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Developing a Corporate Milestone Video People Will Want to Watch

Did your company finally hit your goal of selling 10,000 units and now you want to find the perfect way to share the news with the world?

Perhaps your business is celebrating the end of its tenth year and you’d like to create something special for your team and your customers to look back on. 

Whatever the reason, you know that creating a corporate milestone video can be a great way to mark special events and moments in your company’s history. 

The problem comes in when you aren’t sure how to make a video that people will actually enjoy watching. 

If you want a corporate milestone video that doesn’t put your viewers to sleep, there are a few things you need to know. 

Keep reading to find out why you should create a corporate milestone video, what you should know before you create it, and how you can make sure that people want to watch it.

Table of Contents

Reasons You May Want to Make a Corporate Milestone Video

There are many different reasons for creating a corporate milestone video. From celebrating a huge achievement to recapping a successful year, milestone videos are a great way to share progress with both clients and employees. 

Some of the top reasons for creating a corporate milestone video include:

  • Highlighting your history 
  • Celebrating reaching a goal
  • Documenting receiving an award

You decide why you want to create the video and Houston Video will take care of the process. We work hard to create high-performing corporate milestone videos. 

corporate milestone video

Highlight Your History

Your company — no matter its size or age — has a story to tell. Why not tell it through a video? 

Use a corporate milestone video to show your customers and team members where you started and how you got where you are today.  

Is your company’s fifth anniversary coming up? Create a video that takes the viewer on a visual journey through the past five years. 

Maybe you’ve been around for thirty years and want to commemorate your company’s legacy. A high-quality video can help you do that. 

Celebrate Reaching a Goal

Setting and reaching goals is the bread and butter of the business world. Why not create a video to celebrate the process? 

Show the journey. Film some of the blood, sweat, and tears that led to this day. Take your viewers through the process and make them feel like a part of it. 

Whether you are commemorating your 10,000th customer or celebrating planting one million trees, videos are a compelling way to help others understand what is important to your company and what success looks like for you. 

Document an Award

Did your restaurant just get a Michelin Star

Is your dentist’s office the top-rated clinic in the state? 

Maybe your coffee shop has been number one on Yelp for the past five years in a row? 

These are amazing victories and awards — show them off with a video. 

You and your team worked hard to earn that recognition and it is only right to put it on display. Try to give a little bit of the backstory.

What did you do to earn it? What was the process like? 

corporate milestone video

6 Things You’ll Want to Consider Before Making Your Corporate Milestone Video

As you prepare to create your corporate milestone video, there are some key things you should keep in mind if you want to make sure you don’t end up with a bad corporate video

#1: The Goal

It’s hard to reach a goal if you’re not sure what it is in the first place. 

What do you want your video to accomplish? Is it to motivate higher performance in your company? Are you hoping to boost customer trust in your brand? 

Decide on the purpose of your video and then work to create one that will help you reach your goal. 

No matter your goal, Houston Video is here to help you reach it. We create videos for corporate marketing and general use and are proud to offer high-quality work that you can trust. 

#2: The Audience

Before the cameras roll, decide on your target audience. 

Are you sending this video out in an email to 10,000 customers? 

Will you show it to prospective clients? 

Is it for internal use only — maybe to motivate your team to keep pushing forward toward the next goal? 

Your audience dictates almost everything about your video. Once you decide who you want to reach, you can create a corporate milestone video that will resonate with your viewers. 

#3: The Style

Imagine finally getting your video from the production company you hired. You excitedly click the link and watch as a high-quality, compelling video unfolds before your eyes. 

But there is a problem. 

The video doesn’t even come close to matching your brand or style. 

Decide on your style before you start work on the video, that way it is sure to match your brand’s voice. Make sure to communicate your needs clearly to anyone involved in the project. 

#4: The Storyteller

Every story needs someone to tell it. Who is the voice and face of your video? 

Are you opting for a ‘talking head’ over a voice-over? Maybe you want the video to feel more formal by having the CEO address the audience. 

Are you going for a friendlier, more inclusive feel? You might find that having the camera crew follow different people around while they share their stories fits your goals. 

If you are seeking to showcase your company’s client focus and how you have helped them reach their goals, you might want to include different clients sharing their positive experiences. 

#5: The Timing

When will your video make its grand appearance? Do you need it in time for your annual end-of-year banquet? Maybe you want to send it out on January first to recap the past year and cast a vision for where your company is heading this year? 

Figure out when you want the video ready and then start planning ahead so that you can make sure you have it when you need it. 

#6: The Length 

Are you after a 30-second PSA-style video to quickly share your message with followers on social media? 

Maybe you want a longer video to help new employees grasp your mission and brand. 

The length of your corporate milestone video will rely heavily on the intended audience and the purpose behind your video. 

Let Houston Video Work Their Magic to Make Your Corporate Milestone Video Engaging and Memorable

No matter what milestone you are commemorating, Houston Video is here to help you create the perfect video. 

We specialize in creating high-performing corporate videos designed to help you reach your goals. 

If you are looking for a professional, high-quality corporate milestone video, schedule your free consultation today. 

corporate milestone video
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