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Lights, Camera, Action: How To Market Your Corporate Videos for Maximum Results

You’ve spent tons of time storyboarding, shooting, and tweaking your corporate video so it’s just right.

Months of meetings combined with the money spent — you know your company’s story is worth sharing, but how can you best ensure it gets seen by the right audience?

Read on to learn why corporate video marketing matters and how to market your corporate videos to get the best ROI.

Table of Contents

Why Does Corporate Video Marketing Matter?

An effective corporate video marketing strategy can help:

  • Educate your target audience on your brand
  • Generate leads; and 
  • Help convert customers

In fact, marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users.

Utilizing corporate videos is a highly engaging way to capture and retain audience attention, and is often more effective than other forms of content. 

how to market your corporate videos

Encourages Social Media Shares

Many marketing strategies start with a social media focus, but for corporate videos, it’s essential to keep social sharing at top of mind. Audiences today are more inclined to engage with visual content.

According to a 2022 survey by Sprout Social, short-form videos are found to be the most engaging. As many as two-thirds of consumers (66%) say they pay the most attention to short-form videos — 2.5 times more than long-form videos.

Another survey found that 93% of marketers say they’ve landed a new customer thanks to a video on social media.

Builds Trust

Corporate videos go a long way in fostering trust and credibility since they provide a more human touch and authenticity to your brand’s messaging. 

Consumers also turn to corporate videos as an integral part of their journey with brands. 

They expect to see video content from brands and use it as a key part of their research and purchasing decisions. In fact, 96% of surveyors reported that they turn to videos to learn more about a particular product or service.

Boosts SEO, Conversions, and Sales

More marketers credited video with increasing dwell time, traffic, leads, sales, and reduced support queries than in any of Hubspot’s annual surveys since 2015, while 92% of marketers reported that they get a good ROI on video content, up from 87% in 2022.

According to a 2020 report, video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year, and achieve a 54% increase in brand awareness.

Lastly, video analytics provide valuable insights into viewer behavior, allowing for optimization and better targeting of marketing efforts.

7 Ways To Market Your Corporate Videos

#1: Target the Right Audience

Your target audience will entirely depend on your business and what you’re trying to offer consumers. 

A product or service can often appeal to a variety of buyers, all of which may have their own motives and goals for a purchase. 

In some cases, a general targeting approach might be enough. For other brands, a more focused approach should be taken to define the target audience. 

For example, a software company will likely have a much more focused audience than say, a local grocery store. 

Identifying the different types of buyers your business may engage with, and who exactly influences the buying decision, can help you narrow in on their specific needs and pain points so you can better deliver what they’re looking for.

#2: Optimize Your Video for SEO

Optimizing a corporate video for SEO (search engine optimization) can significantly improve its visibility and reach. 

These techniques can help enhance the discoverability and ranking of your corporate video in search engine results pages, leading to increased engagement, brand awareness, and potentially, conversion:

  • Keyword research: Identify relevant keywords or phrases related to your video’s content, target audience, and industry.
  • Video title and description: Include a concise summary of the video’s main points and incorporate relevant keywords naturally to help Google crawl and accurately recommend your corporate video.
  • Tags and metadata: Use relevant tags and metadata to provide additional context to search engines.
  • Transcriptions and closed captions: These can help make your corporate video more accessible to a wider audience and improve its search engine indexability.
  • Embedding and social sharing: Embed your video on your website or blog and encourage social sharing to help increase engagement, backlinks, and overall visibility.
  • Video hosting platforms: Both platforms have built-in SEO features that can increase the chances of your video reaching your target audience.
  • Promote and build backlinks: Backlinks positively impact your SEO ranking, so be sure to share your video on your brand’s social media pages and relevant industry websites and encourage others to link back to your corporate video.

#3: Take Advantage of Social Media

In today’s social climate, your brand should have a presence on:

  • Tik Tok
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest 

Corporate videos are easily shareable across social media platforms, which helps encourage and facilitate organic reach and expand brand awareness.

#4: Embed Videos on Your Website

If your corporate video is done well, it should be a strong storytelling touchpoint for those new to your brand. Embedding your video on relevant website pages gives consumers another touchpoint and insight into your product or service and can help establish trust. 

Consider embedding your video on:

  • Your website’s home page 
  • A relevant blog post 
  • A banner or header on your “About” or “Contact Us” page 

Seeing a video in more than one place on your website helps reinforce your brand’s messaging and keeps the content fresh for your audience.

how to market your corporate videos

#5: Use Email Marketing

Email marketing strategies can help you further:

  • Reach your target audience
  • Drive traffic to your corporate video; and 
  • Nurture the connection to your brand’s engaged viewers. 

You might consider compiling a list of current subscribers who you know have engaged with your video content in the past, or use opt-in forms to garner new ones.

Embedding a thumbnail or a GIF preview of the video directly into the email can capture a reader’s attention, especially when it’s coupled with a catchy email headline designed to get a subscriber to open. 

Pro tip: Be sure you’ve optimized your email and video to be mobile-friendly, since nearly 1.7 billion users check emails on their mobile phones, which greatly outnumbered the data for desktop users, which is approximately .9 billion users.

#6: Add a Share Button

Adding a share button — whether directly in your corporate video or at the finish — can help aid in your video’s shareability. 

By making sharing easy for your audience, it amplifies the video’s visibility, enhances brand awareness, and expands your reach. 

Plus, a share from a customer carries significant weight within their own audience, leading to increased credibility and trust in the brand or message conveyed in the video.

#7: Measure Your Performance

Knowing how your video is performing is a key component of successful marketing. 

Metrics can help: 

  • Provide valuable insights into audience engagement.
  • Assess the effectiveness of marketing strategies and identify areas for improvement.
  • Guide future decision-making.

Need performance measurement taken off your plate? Houston Video Production offers performance analytics for clients, making it one less thing you and your team need to worry about.

Houston Video Production: Creating High-Quality, Affordable Corporate Videos That Get Results

The cost to execute marketing strategies can add up, but hiring a professional for your corporate marketing video is well worth the cost of the breadth, scope, and quality of content your brand will receive.

As a top corporate video production company in Houston, we have worked with business owners, marketing directors, and the internal and external communications departments for companies of every size.  

We’re well versed in creating a corporate video that highlights a brand’s story, expertise, and product/service, so your target audience can get to know what makes your business so unique.

Contact us today for a free consultation.

how to market your corporate videos
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