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Plan a Video Production Your Step-by-Step Guide for Corporate Videos

How to Plan a Video Production: Your Step-by-Step Guide for Corporate Videos

Are you interested in creating a video for your business, but you just don’t know how to get started? Video production can be hard to wrap your head around, especially if you’ve never done it before.

But maybe it isn’t as difficult as you think. With the right instructions, you can figure out how to plan a video shoot.

Read on to discover a step-by-step guide to creating and producing corporate videos.

Table of Contents

How Do I Plan a Video Production?

Video production can seem overwhelming at first, but once you know the steps for a basic video production plan, you should be able to dive right in. We’re not saying it’s easy — but if you lay out your video production outline before shooting even starts, you’ll be set for success.

Houston Video Production

How to Plan a Video Production in 13 Easy-to-Follow Steps

You may be excited about your video concept and want to get started right away, but preplanning is your friend. Once you know how to plan a video and have all your steps laid out, the rest should fall into place.

Preplanning Your Corporate Video Production

#1: Prepare Your Budget

This part may be tricky if you’ve never planned production for a video before, but you must know how much money you have to work with before you can decide what you will do.

Many people think they can cut costs by making videos using their smartphones, but a study has shown that poor-quality videos are a huge turnoff to customers — even worse than having no video at all.

If you’re worried you won’t be able to create a top-notch video with the funds you have allotted, it’s never a bad idea to contact a professional production company like Houston Video. This will give you more bang for your buck and more time to focus on your other work.

#2: Know Your Objectives AND Your Audience

You can’t start making a video before you know what you want it to do. 

When planning your objectives, make sure they are SMART:

  1. Specific
  2. Measurable
  3. Achievable
  4. Relevant
  5. Time-bound

If you aren’t sure what it is you want to achieve, think about the issues your business has that could be solved with a video.

It’s also crucial that you have an idea of who the end product is for. If you don’t know … 

  • Who your audience is
  • What they like; and
  • How they think

… it will be difficult to create an appealing, engaging video.

Whether you’re making a training video or an ad about a new service, knowing your audience is key.

#3: Build a Strategy Around Your Core Message

When deciding on your core message, it’s important to keep your end goal in mind. Specifically, after watching your video, what do you want your audience to:

  • Do
  • Think; and 
  • Feel

Once you figure that out, synthesize these items into the one thing your audience needs to know. That will be the core message of your video.

#4: Build Your Video Marketing Plan

In building your marketing plan, you should ask questions such as:

  • Is this video part of a series?
  • Should it be long or short?
  • How will it be distributed?

Knowing how this video fits into the big picture will help you in the short term and the long run.

Outlining, Scripting, and Sketching Your Video Production

#5: Write the Video Production Outline

Next, you’ll want to create the video production brief, an outline of all the research and information you’ve gathered, including:

  • Your objectives
  • Insights about your target audience
  • The core message of your video; and
  • Your budget and deadline

The brief should be as detailed as possible without being too long. If this sounds challenging to you, consider getting help from the pros.

#6: Create a Script and Storyboard

Scriptwriting should ideally be done by a video production expert. If you’re trying to create one yourself, make sure it is:

  • Natural-sounding
  • Engaging
  • Interesting
  • Easy to understand
  • Concise
  • Full of information; and
  • Fundamental to your core message

You can also include details about what is needed for the video, such as:

  • Locations
  • Actors
  • Props
  • Etc.

You may also want to create a storyboard to help you visualize how the video will be shot. This will follow every scene in detail and will serve as a guide during production.

how to plan a video production

Putting Your Video Production Into Motion

#7: Equipment, Location, and Talent — Oh My!

You should have an extensive list of each piece of equipment you’ll need before shooting begins. Depending on what you’re doing, this may include:

  • Video camera
  • Tripod
  • Lighting
  • Microphones (stationary and wireless)
  • Digital Audio Recorder
  • Cables
  • And more

If you don’t already own most of this equipment, you may not have the budget to manage video production properly, and you’ll most likely want to let a professional company handle it.

On to the location — you should visit before the shoot to make sure you have an understanding of the space.

This will help you:

  • Schedule shooting based on lighting and availability
  • Preview each scene; and
  • Update your storyboard with accurate photos

Last but not least, get the best talent you can afford. 

There may be people within your company who will shine in this position, but be sure not to let anyone who isn’t up to the job do it just to save money

#8: Table Readings and Rehearsals

Having a few people gather for a table read is helpful in a couple of ways.

  1. You get to hear the script read out loud and see how it flows or if it sounds natural.
  2. You can get feedback on what works and what may need to be changed before shooting begins.

Once that’s set, you will want to have rehearsals with the cast and crew. This will get everyone involved familiar with the:

  • Locations
  • Dress; and
  • Directions

#9: Shoot the Video

Video shoots are best left to the professionals, as there are a lot of moving parts. Ideally, you would have a director, producer, and crew on set to make sure:

  • Everyone is giving their best performances.
  • The video is lit, shot, and framed well.
  • There’s enough footage to make the editing process workable.
  • The script and storyboard are followed as intended.

Adding the Final Touches to Your Corporate Video

#10: Add Branding, Logos, and Graphics

You’ll want to know which colors match your brand or video scheme and have the values for those at the ready to save time.

You should also have a folder prepared with any logos or images that need to be inserted into the video.

This may include:

#11: Editing, Soundtrack, and Voiceovers

As with many other components of your video production plan, this step is best executed by experts in the field. Editing the video, so it flows and conveys the desired message and tone, is a high-level skill.

The audio is an equally important part of the package. You may want to add:

  • Sound effects and other noises — to create a realistic and engaging mix
  • Subtle background music — to help set the tone of the video and give it more life

Voiceovers can also make your video seem more professional and polished — as long as they match the … 

  • Pacing
  • Style; and
  • Scripting

… of the video and are well-recorded.

#12: Format Your Final Video

Once the video is complete, you’ll need to put it in the correct format for distribution. This could be:

  • An HD version for a big presentation; or
  • A shorter version for use on social media

You’ll also need to figure out where your video will be hosted.

#13: Promote and Distribute

Now it’s time to market your video where your audience will see it. Some of the most common ways to do this are:

  • Through social media
  • Using a PR firm
  • Paying for ad spend to show the video on TV; or
  • Incorporating it into your email marketing

You may want to choose just one way or a combination of the above. Your desired target audience should help you decide which is the best path.

Need Help? Houston Video Produces Creative and Effective Corporate Videos for Every Industry

We’ve simplified the steps of production for a video for you, but the truth is it can still be pretty overwhelming! 

If you don’t have the budget or skill set to make your own videos, don’t worry — Houston Video is here for you.

We are an award-winning video production company that makes …

  • Affordable
  • Effective; and
  • Creative

… videos for corporate and business marketing campaigns. Contact Houston Video today to get started on your next video production plan.

how to plan a video production
Video Production for Business
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