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Corporate Video Script Writing Guide

Master the Art of Corporate Video Scripts with Houston Video Production Company

Before you hit record, you need a killer corporate video script. Whether you’re a small business owner or a corporate executive, mastering the art of script writing is crucial for creating impactful videos that resonate with your audience. At Houston Video Production Company, we’ve helped countless businesses tell their stories through powerful corporate videos.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about crafting the perfect script for your business video. Whether you’re a small business owner or a corporate employee dipping your toes into video production for the first time, we’ve got you covered. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Introduction to Corporate Video Scripts

A corporate video script is the backbone of your business video. It’s a written document that outlines everything that will be said and shown in your video. Think of it as a roadmap for your video production journey.

It guides the visuals, narration, and overall flow of your corporate video, ensuring that your message is clear, concise, and compelling.

You might be thinking, “Can’t I just wing it?”

Well, sometimes, but not it’s not advised.  Say you know your product inside and out.  Or this is just a series of interview questions to a customer.

Remember, the script is not about you saying your message, it’s about altering the delivery around what the viewer is listening for.  When the lights are on and the camera is rolling, sometimes things just don’t flow on that particular day.  So it’s always best to have bullet point outline in the flow you want to speak.  Or have a list of questions in a particular order to elicit a story.

While you may not need every word written and approved, a well-written corporate video script is crucial for several reasons:

  • It keeps you focused on your message
  • It helps you make the most of your production time
  • It ensures consistency across all your marketing efforts
  • Allows for accurate reciting of numbers and data points.
  • It makes your video more professional and polished

A good script sets the tone, outlines the narrative, and ensures that every element of your video serves a purpose.

corproate script sample format

How to Write a Corporate Video Script

A top-notch corporate video script isn’t just a wall of text. It’s got structure.  Here’s our step-by-step guide to writing a corporate video script.

  1. Define Your Length:  Generally, a corporate script should be no longer than 2 minutes.  That’s not a lot of time.  Generally, a 30 second script has 4-6 normal length sentences, or 75 words!
  2. Know Your Audience: Before you type a single word, figure out who you’re talking to. Are they C-suite execs or entry-level employees? Knowing your audience is like having a cheat code for your script.
  3. Define Your Goal: What’s the point of your video? Are you trying to educate, persuade, or just show off how cool your company is? Having a clear goal is like having a GPS for your script – it’ll keep you on track.
  4. Outline Your Story: Think of this as the skeleton of your script. Jot down the main points you want to cover. Don’t worry about making it pretty yet – we’re just brainstorming here.
  5. Write Your First Draft: Now’s the time to flesh out that skeleton. Don’t stress about perfection – just get your ideas down. It’s like building with Lego – you can always rearrange the blocks later.
  6. Add Some Sizzle: Once you’ve got your basic script, it’s time to jazz it up. Add some personality, throw in a dash of humor (if appropriate), and make sure your brand voice shines through.
  7. Read It Out Loud: This might feel silly, but trust us – it works. Reading your script out loud helps you catch awkward phrases and ensures it sounds natural.
  8. Get Feedback:  Share your script with colleagues (or legal).   Better yet, with the pros at Houston Video Production. Fresh eyes can spot things you might’ve missed.
  9. Revise and Polish: Take that feedback and use it to refine your script. This is where your video really starts to shine.

Remember, writing a great corporate video script is a process. Don’t expect perfection on the first try – even Shakespeare probably had to do a few drafts.

Tips for Writing Engaging Corporate Video Scripts

Want to take your script from good to great? Here are some pro tips to keep in mind:

  1. Start with a Hook: You’ve got about 8 seconds to grab your viewer’s attention. Visually, and with dialog.  So make those first few lines count!
  2. Optimize for impatience: If someone only watches the first 25% of your video, what did they learn?  Do they know the call to action?
  3. Keep it Conversational: Write like you talk, not like you’re writing a formal report.
  4. Show, don’t tell: Use vivid language and concrete examples to bring your message to life.
  5. Include a call-to-action: What do you want viewers to do after watching?
  6. Incorporate Visuals: Describe what viewers will see corresponding to each section.
  7. Pro tip: Read your script out loud. If you stumble over your words, your viewers will too. Keep it smooth and flowing!


Corporate Video Script Formats and Templates

There are many ways to write a script.  Hollywood uses a narrative format with action lines, locations, dialog, and transitions.  However, corporate videos and business videos are typically built and organized different.

The most common corporate script writing format is the three-column format.  It helps identify the flow, length, as well as potential visual assets and graphics.

  1. Left Column: Scene, location, and topic being covered.
  2. Middle column: Dialog and narration
  3. Right column: on screen visual.  When do we show a person, or when do we show a graphic.
corporate video script template

Download Our Corporate Video Script Example PDF

If you’d like to jumpstart your efforts, we provide a free video script example PDF and Google Doc you can download immediately to get started.

Just fill out the form below and we’ll email it to you!

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Corporate Video Script Samples: Jumpstart Your Project

Staring at a blank page is about as fun as watching paint dry. That’s why we provide a few script templates.  “The key to holding the audience’s attention is pacing,” said Finn McKenty, head of product at URM Academy. “The most common mistake is rambling.   Check out these script snippets from successful corporate videos.

Template 1 The Classic Explainer

Perfect for when you need to break down complex ideas into bite-sized, easy-to-digest chunks. Branded Videos or Explainer videos, they usually go something like this:

Hook: Grab attention with a relatable problem
Introduce your solution
Explain how it works
Showcase benefits
Reinforce credibility

Template 2: The Customer Testimonial

Nothing sells quite like a happy customer singing your praises. Here’s the blueprint:

Introduce the customer and their challenge
Explain how they discovered your product/service
Describe their experience using it
Highlight the results and benefits
Include a personal recommendation
Your CTA


Template 3: The Product Showcase

When you’ve got a shiny new product to show off, this is your go-to:

Open with a pain point your product solves
Introduce your product with a bang
Highlight key features and benefits
Show the product in action
Address potential objections
Close with a strong CTA

Remember, these templates are just starting points. Feel free to mix, match, and customize to fit your brand’s unique flavor.


Real-World Examples: Successful Corporate Video Scripts in Action

Let’s take a peek at some corporate video scripts that hit it out of the park, and break down why they work so well.

Example 1: “The Problem Solver”

This script for a B2B software company nailed it by focusing on their customers’ pain points:

“Drowning in data? Feeling like you’re trying to drink from a fire hose? Meet DataSmart – your life raft in the sea of information overload.”

Why it works: It immediately connects with the audience’s frustrations and positions the product as the hero.

Example 2: “The Storyteller”

This employee testimonial script for a healthcare company tugs at the heartstrings:

“I didn’t just find a job at MediCare Inc. I found a calling. Every day, I get to make a difference in people’s lives. And that’s worth more than any paycheck.”

Why it works: It creates an emotional connection and showcases the company culture authentically.

Example 3: “The Explainer”

This script for a fintech startup breaks down a complex topic with ease:

“Imagine if managing your money was as easy as ordering pizza. That’s what we’ve created with MoneyMate. No financial jargon, no confusing charts – just simple, smart money management at your fingertips.”

Why it works: It uses a relatable analogy to simplify a complex service and emphasizes user-friendliness.

These examples show that a great corporate video script isn’t about fancy words or complicated concepts. It’s about connecting with your audience, addressing their needs.  Show how you can make their lives better.  You don’t have a lot of time, so keep it simple!


Tailoring Your Script for Different Video Types and Platforms

Remember, one size does not fit all.  You should consider the platforms you will post your video, and the devices people will be watching your video.  And then customize your script to those combinations to maximize impact and watchability.

  1. Website Videos: Keep ’em short and sweet. You’ve got about 8 seconds to grab attention before viewers bounce. Start with a bang and get to the point fast. Think of it as speed dating for your brand.
  2. YouTube Videos: Here, you’ve got a bit more breathing room. You can dive deeper into your topic, but remember to front-load the good stuff. YouTube viewers are notorious for their short attention spans.
  3. Social Media Videos: These need to be snackable. Think bite-sized content that’s easy to digest in 15-30 seconds. On platforms like Instagram or TikTok, you might even want to consider a silent script that relies on on-screen text and visuals.
  4. Email Marketing Videos: Personalization is key here. Use the viewer’s name if possible, and focus on how your product or service solves their specific problems. It’s like writing a letter to a friend – if that friend really needed your product.
  5. Training Videos: These can be longer and more detailed. Break complex information into digestible chunks, and don’t be afraid to use repetition for key points. Think of it as teaching a class – you want your students to remember the important stuff.

Remember, the platform isn’t just about length – it’s about tone, style, and content too. A LinkedIn video might be more formal than a Facebook one.

The key is to know your audience and where they’re watching. Then, tailor your script to fit.

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Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Corporate Video Scripting

Even the best intentions can lead to mistakes in scriptwriting. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid:

  • The Jargon Jungle: Using too much industry lingo can leave your audience feeling lost.
  • The Snooze Fest: Boring your audience is a cardinal sin in video scripting. Don’t drone on about features – focus on benefits and tell a story. Remember, even the most “boring” products can have exciting stories behind them.
  • The “Me, Me, Me” Monologue: Talking only about how great your company is? Yawn. Your audience is more interested in solving some problem they have.  Your video should be less “look at us” and more “let’s talk about you.”
  • The Kitchen Sink Syndrome: Avoid trying to cram everything about your company into one video? Pick one main message and stick to it. Keeping the video on point with a solid topic will increase watchability.  The great thing about modern marketing is you can just make three 1 minute videos instead of one 3 minute video.
  • The Awkward Actor Syndrome: Writing lines that sound great on paper but feel unnatural when spoken? Always read your script out loud. If it feels awkward to say, it’ll be awkward to watch.
  • Weak Hook: Failing to grab attention early can lose viewers.
  • Forgetting the visuals: Remember, this is a video. Make sure your script supports compelling visuals.

The goal is to create a script that engages your audience, conveys your message clearly, and prompts action. Use the power of storytelling: Weave your information into a narrative that resonates with your audience.

FAQs on Corporate Video Scripts

  • How long should my corporate video script be?
    • The million-dollar question! While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, generally, shorter is better. It depends on your video’s purpose and platform. Generally, aim for 150-200 words per minute of video. For a 2-minute video, that’s about 300-400 words. Remember, shorter is often better!
  • Do I need to include every detail in my script?
    • Not at all! Your script should provide a clear outline, but leave room for visual storytelling. Focus on the key messages and let the visuals fill in the gaps.
  • How do I incorporate my brand voice into my corporate video script?
    • Start by defining your brand voice. Is it professional? Friendly? Humorous? Then, infuse this voice throughout your script. But remember, where is your audience watching this?  At Houston Video Production Company, we can help you nail your brand voice in your videos.
  • Can I Use a Template for My Corporate Video Script?
    • Absolutely! Templates can be a great starting point, especially if you’re new to script writing. But remember, it’s just a guide. Customize it to fit your brand and message. Your script should be as unique as your business.
  • How do I make my corporate video script engaging?
    • Start with a hook, use conversational language, tell a story.  Then focus on benefits rather than features. Don’t forget to inject some personality. Corporate doesn’t have to mean boring!


Writing a corporate video script is a crucial step in creating engaging and effective videos. It doesn’t have to be a complex process.  Following the best practices we shared above can help you craft compelling scripts that capture attention, convey your message, and drive action.

2015 Facebook/Nielsen study found that even if a viewer watched only one second of a brand video, it still increased ad recall, brand awareness, and purchase consideration. Make that time count.

The Houston Video Production Company is here to help you bring your vision to life with professional filming and editing services. Contact us today to get started on your next corporate video project.

Budget-Friendly Video Production for Businesses

You don’t need a Hollywood budget to create effective marketing videos.

Ready to take your corporate video to the next level? Our team of experts is here to help you every step of the way. From scriptwriting to filming and editing, we provide a seamless, professional experience that ensures your video stands out. Contact us today to start your journey towards an impactful corporate video. Let’s bring your story to life and make a lasting impression on your audience.

Whether you’re in Houston or beyond, the Houston Video is your production company to capture whichever video you need.  We specialize in business videos and would love to help you make yours.

Contact us today for a free consultation.

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