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How to Make Corporate Videos More Interesting

Quick Tips on How to Make Corporate Videos More Interesting

Corporate videos are there to inform. But, they can do so much more. 

A corporate video is also used to engage an audience and create intrigue.

Cool corporate videos are achievable and can generate some serious attention from potential customers, employees, or clients. 

Read on as we discuss a few foundational bits of corporate video creation as well as tips on how to make corporate videos more interesting.

Table of Contents

Why Is it Important for Corporate Videos to Be Interesting and Engaging?

A corporate video is often the first exposure a potential buyer has to a brand or company. 

It is a tool that can be used to create a great first impression. 

As a brand, you want to make sure your corporate video is leaving a positive and lasting impression on a viewer.

For example, if your corporate video is being used primarily as a recruitment tool, making the video interesting and engaging is key to attracting top talent in the market. 

What Qualifies a Corporate Video as ‘Interesting?’

Everybody has their preferences. So how do you know if your corporate video is interesting to the right people? 

Corporate videos that look cool are great, but the success of a corporate video depends on performance. And the best performing videos are usually the ones that get to the heart of what the viewer wants to know.

These are some important questions you want to think about before filming your corporate video to ensure the video is interesting to your audience:

  • What do we want the audience to know about our brand? 
  • What impression do we want our corporate video to leave on a viewer? 
  • How do we want the video to make the viewer feel?
  • What message is our video sending about our mission, culture, and people?

Looks vs. Messaging

We’re all drawn in by the bright colors, fun music, and interesting graphics that the ‘cool corporate videos’ have, but let’s be honest… 

At the end of the day, we’re judging a video based on whether it served our purpose. 

In other words, we’re asking ourselves:

  1. Did I learn what I wanted or needed by watching that video?
  2. Was that a complete waste of my time?

Many companies get stuck focusing on certain aspects like:

  • Type of camera equipment
  • Lighting
  • Loud creativity
  • Provocative imagery or graphics

But where they can sometimes fall short is in the message.

Let’s talk about how to create a corporate video that hits on all the right things — especially the messaging.

4 Tips on How to Make Corporate Videos More Interesting

At Houston Video, we know there is plenty that goes into making a corporate video. If you’re getting started with a corporate video, you may have concerns beyond how to make corporate videos more interesting.

We have great resources for you at every step of the way.

 We’ll help you with:

A video for corporate storytelling is an incredibly important and effective vessel for your brand’s message. Why not leave it to the professionals?

At Houston Video, this is what we do. 

We are experts at creating interesting and engaging videos that highlight your company, your product, your brand, and your story.

how to make corporate videos more interesting

#1: Incorporate Customer Testimonials

We’ve all seen the cheesy, (sometimes cringe-worthy), customer testimonials on TV. But don’t underestimate the potency of testimonials. 

When done correctly and tastefully, customer testimonials can be the most powerful element in your corporate video. 

In fact, the numbers say:

  • Over 50% of people say that customer testimonials impact their decision to buy.
  • Compared to other types of content, customer testimonials have the highest effectiveness rating (89%).
  • After viewing positive testimonials, 72% of customers surveyed say that they have more trust in a business.

Bottom line: Customer testimonials are a great way to communicate what your company has to offer in a way that conveys sincerity and authenticity to your viewer.

How Do Customer Testimonials Make Corporate Videos More Interesting?

Effective customer testimonials do the following things:

  • Showcase real customers to your target audience
  • Provide a clear call to action
  • Highlight key benefits
  • Give evidence to your brand’s promises
  • Shows how a specific problem was solved using your product/service

Each of these elements provides interest and engages your audience. 

Customers can usually identify with the person providing the testimonial and that is a great way to maximize conversions.

#2: Pose a Question to Your Audience

Starting with a question is a great way to structure your corporate video.

It lets the viewer know which pain point is being addressed.

 How Does Directing a Question to the Audience Make Corporate Videos More Interesting?

If the goal is to let the viewer know that you have a solution to their problem, naming the specific problem at the beginning of the video will keep the viewer engaged.

Posing a question at the beginning of the video is also a great way to:

  • Organize the content of the video
  • Reduce noise and confusion
  • Keep the viewer at the focus
  • Promote clarity and keep things straightforward

#3: Create a Narrative

Keeping structure in mind… 

Creating a narrative for your corporate video can be a great way to engage and create interest.

You don’t have to create a full script or an oscar-winning story. In fact, creating a good narrative can be relatively simple. 

Boiled down, the essential elements of a solid narrative are:

  • Characters
  • Quest
  • Climax
  • Resolution

Let Houston Video do the heavy lifting. We can take your brand to the next level with a compelling narrative and illustrations that really connect to your viewers.

How Does Creating a Narrative Make Corporate Videos More Interesting?

Structuring your corporate video with a narrative makes it more interesting because it helps viewers connect to your brand in a meaningful way. 

And, as you know, making connections with potential customers is really the name of the game. The narrative keeps the viewer interested and engaged long enough to make an impression.

When viewers connect to your brand, that translates into:

#4: Develop a Detailed Plan for Your Shoot

A little planning goes a long way. If you jump into filming for a corporate video, you’re going to end up wasting precious time, money, and other resources. 

In other words, if you’re planning to wing it… don’t!

The more details in your plan, the smoother everything will be.  

Before the shoot, you’ll want to consider a few ‘big picture’ items like:

  • The aim of the video
  • Your target audience
  • Developing the script
  • Available equipment

Next, don’t discount the details. As we said, more details make things easier down the road — and saves valuable time and money. 

Some details you’ll want to keep in mind are:

  • Cast members (What are they wearing? Who do they represent?)
  • Camera angles
  • Descriptions for each shot
  • Location of shooting
  • Noise considerations
  • Picking the right music

And so much more.

How Will a Detailed Plan Make Corporate Videos More Interesting?

Creating a detailed plan for your corporate video will improve the overall quality of the video, allowing it to effectively convey your brand’s message and gather interest.

Make Your Corporate Videos More Interesting With Houston Video

At Houston Video, we know that filming your own corporate video can feel like a daunting task. 

We also know that well-done corporate videos are essential to a strong marketing strategy. 

Our experts at Houston Video are well-equipped to deliver corporate videos that will perform. We specialize in affordable, engaging, and effective video content that will take your brand to the next level. 

Contact us today to ensure your company is getting the strongest, most interesting corporate videos to your target audience

how to make corporate videos more interesting
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