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Corporate Video Trends to Keep an Eye On

7 Corporate Video Trends to Keep an Eye On

Have you been wondering which types of corporate videos will be most effective for your business?

Keeping up with corporate video trends is incredibly important, but it can also be difficult and time-consuming, since there are many different kinds and they are ever-changing

You want to keep up with corporate video trends and make the best videos possible — and Houston Video is here to help. Staying on top of current marketing strategies doesn’t have to be hard.  

Keep reading to learn about the top seven corporate video trends your company should be aware of. 

Table of Contents

We live in a world where massive shifts seem to take place overnight. It feels like every industry is moving at lightspeed, and corporate video is no different. 

From TV commercials to social media ads, video marketing has been a key part of digital marketing for many years. As technology evolves, there are more and more ways to make a corporate video and different trends keep emerging as the top performers. 

Several factors cause this flux in style popularity:

  • A shifting economic landscape
  • Changes in what consumers want and need
  • Unexpected events worldwide (for instance, COVID-19) 

Keeping up with changing corporate video trends is vital. If you want to stay ahead of the competition and capitalize on incoming trends before they blow up, you need to stay informed about corporate video trends. 

corporate video trends

Corporate video trends are the general direction in which corporate videos are developing or changing. They are the types of videos that top popularity charts and go viral.

There are tons of different trends out there — and we will cover the top seven here — but you should be aware of a few others such as:

  • Vlogging — A blog in video form, usually someone videoing their experience and talking about it afterward.
  • Searchable videos — Making videos that show up in web searches.
  • Silent videos — Videos that have either no sound or can be watched with the sound off and still achieve their intended purpose. Think social media marketing videos. 
  • Virtual reality — Offers a “real-world experience” via immersive technology to help people experience the product instead of just seeing it. 
  • Storytelling — Telling stories as a way of engaging with viewers and helping them connect to your product. Here is where having a good script can help. 

Corporate videos can be used for many different things, such as:

  • Training
  • Distance learning
  • Advertising
  • How-tos
  • Employee connection 

Online videos have a massive audience in the US — over 85% of people on the internet use it to watch videos. 

Multi-functional corporate videos are incredibly valuable because they meet so many different needs.

How long should a corporate video be? That depends. 

Both short-form and long-form videos are trending right now, and which one you use may depend on your goals. 

There is a reason that TikTok exploded and Instagram made headlines for saying they are now a video app instead of a photo-sharing app. 

Short, interesting videos get more views. 

More views means more people and more people means more business. It is a simple formula that the corporate video world has latched onto. 

Work, school, social lives, kids… all of these things and more stack up to create full schedules and tired humans. People are busy and sitting down to watch a ten-minute corporate video doesn’t sound like fun to many people. 

In the busy world we live in, short-form videos are rising in popularity. 

But long-form video is also enjoying some time in the spotlight. Videos that are 15 minutes or longer engage their audience 50% better than shorter videos. 

Creating engaging, long-form videos

The past few years have seen a boom in public calls for authenticity and honesty. From body positivity sweeping the fashion industry to citizens holding politicians and other government institutions accountable, there is a push for transparency — and it is reflected in corporate video trends, too. 

Even if you don’t have state-of-the-art technology, you can often still create a video that resonates with viewers and accomplishes your goal. 

But beautiful, well-produced, high-quality videos are also on the rise. 

You’ve likely seen a few of them running as commercials during the Super Bowl or the Olympics. 

Usually, there are stunning clips of people in nature, families living life together, or happy couples. These videos elicit emotion and may have little or nothing to do with the actual company they are representing. 

These are the commercials that break the internet and make people cry. 

This is where it is important to determine the focus of your video. 

Is your audience looking for a touching, moving commercial that will take them on a journey complemented by breathtaking views and heartwarming moments? 

Or do they want a real, authentic, transparent approach? 

corporate video trends

The live video trend is a simple way to bring your audience in and make them part of the experience rather than just viewers of the experience

Especially on social media, live-streaming your videos might help boost engagement with your brand. Social media apps notify your followers that you are going live and encourage them to interact with your video. 

Going live is a great way to engage with your audience on a more personal level. 

Delivering personalized, relationship-driven material is a sure way to better connect with your audience. 

This can go beyond creating a video for a specific market. 

If you are looking to close a deal, why not try creating a personalized video answering your potential client’s questions? 

Step-by-step explanation videos can be a great tool to use to help customers understand the product. It might take a sales rep 25 minutes to walk your customer through what a three-minute video could easily explain. 

Not only will a video typically be more effective, but it will likely also project your company as more professional and approachable. 

360-degree videos use augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to create an immersive experience that helps the viewer connect with the content and feel like they are there.  

Statistics on interactive videos show that this particular corporate video trend helps improve both sales and company presentation. 

If you have ever seen an ad and wished that you could buy the jacket that the model is wearing, you’re in luck. 

Shoppable videos allow consumers to click directly on the item in the video and place an order quickly. Often, the embedded link brings up a page where they can purchase the item just by inputting their card and shipping information. 

In today’s consumer-driven world, shoppable videos are a great way to advertise various products. 

At Houston Video, we know how to create simple, effective corporate video

While other companies are focusing on making flashy content that barely represents their brand, Houston Video brings the spotlight back to you and your product, giving you real and measurable results.

We know how to utilize corporate video trends effectively to bring you the results you are looking for. 

If you are looking to make some of these trends work for you and your company, schedule your free consultation today. 

corporate video trends
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